About Us
Élin Duxus Consultoria were founded in 2002 to build solutions targeting the financial market.
Through the years we implemented a large spectrum of solutions focusing this market, resulting in a specialization on developing systems with complex technics and technological background.
As result, Élin Duxus offers a complete portfolio of embedded solutions focused on risk management to fill the needs of financial institutions, asset managers, pension funds, investors and other companies.
The solutions we offer are based on the pilars which compose the Duxus lema:
- - Usabilitity;
- - Integration;
- - Perfomance;
- - technologic Architecture; and
- - Documentation.
Our main goal is to support institutions to improve management processes and decision making.
Directors Vision
Risk Management is a relative recent concern on Brazil's financial history. Until 2000 the efforts on this area were very localized and individual, then after Basel I's introduction risk management started to evolve, also was created a scheme for market informations, the Anbid's XML (today Anbima's).This two were very important steps forward but still embrionary actions.
Only on 2007, with Basel II, the complexity and needs for integrated risk management became a common concern. Now management envolves the following risks: market, operational, credit, liquidity and reputation, which rise a need for a larger and organized structure.
On 2008 risk management became a cost for investments. Some institutions rapidly noticed that looking all the information on a central point was like looking a bussines compass.
Constant restatements, monthly scheme and content modifications leading an increasing complexity, became a routine for the legislation. Then came the internal models for capital alocation. Thus was born the expertise of risk management and capital alocation for financial institutions.
Parallel, the pension funds industry respects the new Previc's legal demands - long and strict for the applied resources. Resulting more use of the XML scheme for investment funds, which still been generated with low information quality by some managers.
The risk management process still be seen by some institutions as a cost and not a investment. It's a dangerous mistake.
For financial institutions, creating a managerial area have been proven strategically important to anticipate movements and conclusions about bussiness' directions. The compass works!
For asset managers, risk control is a sine qua non reality
This is the context where Élin Duxus works. We offer an Integrated Risk Plataform, which covers all the needs for risk management and not only market risk but also on all others optics for a complete management.
Nossa plataforma já possui ferramentas de ALM (Asset Liability Management) maduras, alvo do Basilaia III. Já possui todos os modelos internos para cálculos de risco. Já apresenta sistemas essenciais para a concessão de crédito, como o Sistema Multidimensional. Já tem todo o cabedal de técnicas para cálculos rápidos, precisos e verificáveis. Já inclui um sistema de rating pré-concessão: o fim da subjetividade nas operações de varejo! Desenvolvemos um sofisticado sistema de acompanhamento e cálculo de risco de reputação, com emprego de redes neurais 'feedforward'.
In the future we expect to keep the course. Our goal is that professional risk management teams use all solutions we build and be capable of keeping yours institutions course.
New challenges may come and we will keep offering not only calculators but technical and intelligent systems! Welcome to the future!