econe balanca


Understand the practices we use to protect your company's data and information. Our Security Policy reinforces our commitment to system integrity and reliability.


The Information Security Policy (PSI) aims to provide an understanding of procedures and processes

formal in order to mitigate weaknesses in the controls of systems and data accessed or produced by the company

and is based on the recommendations proposed by the ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standards - Systems of

information security management - Requirements and ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 27002:2013 - Code of Practice for

information security controls and other relevant good practice recommendations.

It also aims to meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Law - LGDP, not limited to or

conflicting with what is stated in it.

Thus, the main objectives for proposing this PSI are the guarantees of the following principles:

• Confidentiality — Guarantee that access to information is obtained only by authorized persons.

• Integrity — Guarantee that the information is not tampered with, falsified, or stolen;

• Availability — Ensuring that information is available whenever requested by users

authorized even with involuntary, i.e. unintentional, system interruptions.


Its nature is one of public order, of the knowledge of all customers, employees, and suppliers that of

In some way they participate in the company's internal processes and must ensure, within their sphere of activity, the

correct application of the rules presented here in their entirety and remains mandatory at all times

of contractual duration, which may extend for later periods in specific cases, and it is not allowed to

no one alleges their ignorance.

It must be everyone's responsibility, based on habits, postures, responsibility, and constant care in

timing of the use of information assets. The use of information assets must always be compatible with

the ethics, confidentiality, legality and purpose of the activities performed by the user.

This PSI must be constantly reviewed in the light of all current legal aspects and information.

relevant add-ons, whether derived from practices and/or procedures, new threats or technologies, events

not considered, etc. and must necessarily reflect the business requirements and the guarantees that guide this


Regulations and Documentation Related to PSI

Each of the applicable topics will consist of defining the scope, definitions of standards and good practices,

definition of procedures and their respective controls as follows:

1. Scope: defines the presentation and guidelines of the topics of this Policy.

2. Norms and good practices: specifies good practices for the correct application of the scope

3. Procedures and Controls: Defines procedures for enforcing practices and controls with

acceptable parameters for maintaining the scope

Due to the public nature of this document, items 2 and 3 are extensions of this document but restricted in scope to

related areas in order to guide the management of IT procedures.

Concepts and Definitions

Access: the act of entering, transiting, discovering or consulting information, as well as the possibility of using

information assets of an agency or entity;

Responsible Agent: collaborator responsible for leading and managing the Incident Treatment Team in

Information Security;

Threat: set of external factors or potential cause of an information security incident

unwanted, which may result in harm to a system or organization;

Activity: process or set of processes carried out by or on behalf of a body or entity that

produce or support one or more products or services;

Information Assets: the means of storage, transmission, and processing, the systems of

information, as well as the places where these media are located and the people who have access to them;

Information Security Steering Committee: permanent group of people responsible for

advise on the implementation of information security and communications actions, which monitor, establish

rules and deliberates on interests, among other matters

Control, Protection, or Countermeasure: way to manage risk, including policies, procedures,

organizational guidelines, practices, or structures, which may be of an administrative, technical, management, or nature


Information Asset Custodian: formally responsible for protecting one or more information assets,

applying the levels of security controls in accordance with information security requirements and


Disaster: sudden and unplanned event that causes loss to all or part of the organization and generates serious

impacts on your ability to deliver essential or critical services for a period of time longer than

objective recovery time;

Information Security Incident Handling: Act of receiving, analyzing, and responding to

notifications and activities related to computer security incidents;

Continuity Management: comprehensive management process that identifies potential threats to a

organization and the possible impacts on business operations, if threats materialize, what does it seek

the provision of a structure that develops organizational resilience capable of responding effectively and

safeguard the interests of stakeholders, the organization's reputation and brand, and its activities of

added value;

Information and Communications Security Risk Management: set of processes that allow

identify and implement the necessary protective measures to minimize or eliminate the risks they are at

subject your information assets and balance them with the operational and financial costs involved;

Information Manager: any collaborator or unit that, in the exercise of their competencies, is

responsible for the production of information or for the processing, even if temporary, of information from

property of an individual or legal entity handed over to Élin Duxus;

Information and Communications Security Manager: responsible for the security actions of

information and communications within the scope of Élin Duxus;

Security Incident: an occurrence indicated by a single or a series of security events of

unwanted or unexpected information, which is highly likely to compromise the operations of

business and threaten information security, (in accordance with ISO/IEC TR No. 18044:2004) - verify that


Retention Period: period in which the backup will be available for on-time return or retrieval of

files at a certain point in the timeline.

Business Continuity Plan: plan consisting of a set of measures, rules, procedures and

information necessary for Élin Duxus to maintain its critical information assets and the continuity of

your critical activities in an alternative location at a pre-defined level, in the event of incidents;

Incident Management Plan: clearly defined and documented action plan, to be used

when an incident occurs that basically covers the main people, resources, services, and other actions that

are necessary to implement the incident management process;

Business Recovery Plan: plan consisting of a set of measures, rules, procedures and

information necessary for Élin Duxus to operationalize the return of critical activities to normality;

Risk Treatment Plan: process and implementation of information security actions and

communications to avoid, reduce, retain, or transfer a risk;

Business Continuity Management Program: continuous management and governance process supported

by top management, which receives appropriate resources to ensure that the necessary steps are being taken

in order to identify the impact of potential losses and maintain recovery strategies and plans, and ensure

the continued provision of products and services through critical analysis, testing, training and


Resource: it is a medium of any nature (human, physical, technological, financial, market image,

credibility, among others) that allows achieving what is proposed;

Resilience: resilience or capacity of an organization to withstand the effects of a disaster;

Retention: backups of periods (annual/monthly) that have already been consolidated and will no longer be in the environment of


Information and Communications Security Risks: potential associated with the exploitation of one or more

vulnerabilities of an information asset or a group of such assets, on the part of one or more threats,

with a negative impact on the organization's business;

RPO (Recovery Point Objective): limits the return period in time and defines the maximum amount allowed

from data lost from a failed occurrence to the last valid backup.

RTO (Recovery Time Objective): are related to downtime and represent the amount of

time it takes to recover from an incident until operations are available to users.

Information and Communications Security: actions that aim to enable and ensure the availability,

integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity of the information;

Information Processing: reception, production, reproduction, use, access, transportation, transmission,

distribution, storage, elimination, and control of information, including sensitive information;

Audit Trails: system log files, which contain recordings of actions performed on the system,

in order to identify who or what caused something;

External User: any natural or legal person that makes use of information and that is not related

administratively to Élin Duxus;

Internal User: any natural person or internal unit that makes use of information and that is linked

administratively to Élin Duxus;

Users: internal and external users; collaborators, outsourced workers, consultants, auditors, and interns/

scholarship holders who obtained authorization from the person responsible for the interested area to access Information Assets.

Information Security Organization

Internal Organization

The organizational structure for managing Information Security requirements consists of the following groups:

• Information Security Steering Committee

• People Managers

• Collaborators

• Infrastructure

Of Responsibilities

Information Security Steering Committee

The Information Security Steering Committee is responsible for:

• Propose improvements, changes, and adjustments to the PSI;

• Propose investments related to information security in order to minimize risks;

• Classification of information and level of access to information whenever necessary;

• Assess security incidents and propose corrective actions;

• Approve the Information Security Policy and its updates

The Information Security Management Committee must be composed of:

• Board of Directors

• Leaders from related areas

• Legal Advice, when applicable

People and/or Process Managers

With regard to Information Security, it is up to people and/or process managers to:

• Have an exemplary stance in relation to information security, serving as a model of conduct for

collaborators under your management

• To inform, during the hiring and formalization of individual employment contracts, of responsibility

Compliance with the PSI

• Comply with and enforce this Policy, Regulations, and Information Security Procedures

• Require partners, service providers, and other external entities to sign the term of

confidentiality regarding the information to which they will have access

• Develop, with the support of the Infrastructure, the information security procedures related to your

areas, providing the necessary information and keeping them up to date

• Inform, whenever necessary, updates regarding processes and/or employee registrations to

that permissions can be granted or revoked as needed

• Make administrative decisions regarding breaches of the PSI


It will be the sole responsibility of employees, outsourced workers and other collaborators:

• Faithfully comply with Information Security Policy, Regulations, and Procedures

• Search for members of the SI Steering Committee for clarification of questions regarding the PSI

• Protect information against unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or destruction

• Ensure that equipment and technological resources at your disposal are used only for

approved purposes

• Adequate disposal of documents according to their degree of classification

• Promptly report to the members of the Steering Committee any violation of this policy, its rules and



The Infrastructure is responsible for:

• Define the rules for installing software and hardware;

• Approve personal equipment (smartphones and notebooks) for use on the network;

• Monitor access to information and technology assets (systems, databases, resources of

network), with reference to the Information Security Policy and Regulations;

• Keep up to date registration and control of all granted access releases, providing, at all times

that formally requested, the prompt suspension or amendment of such releases;

• Propose the methodologies and processes related to information security, risk assessment, analysis of

vulnerabilities, etc.;

• Critically analyze security incidents in conjunction with the Security Steering Committee of


• Maintain effective communication with the Information Security Steering Committee regarding potential threats and

new security measures;

• Seek alignment with the organization's guidelines.

Information Classification

It is the responsibility of the Leader of each area to establish criteria regarding the level of confidentiality of

information (reports and/or media) generated by your area according to the concepts below:

• Public Information: It is all information that can be accessed by users of the organization, clients,

suppliers, service providers and the general public.

• Internal Information: It is all information that can only be accessed by employees of the organization. Saint

information that has a degree of confidentiality that may compromise the organization's image.

• Confidential Information: It is all information that can be accessed by users of the organization and by

partners of the organization. Unauthorized disclosure of this information may have an impact (financial,

of image or operational) to the organization's business or to the partner's business.

• Restricted Information: It is all information that can be accessed only by users of the organization

explicitly indicated by name or by area to which it belongs. The unauthorized disclosure of this

information may cause serious damage to the business and/or compromise the business strategy of

organization. Every Manager/Supervisor must direct their subordinates not to circulate information and/

or media considered confidential and/or restricted, as well as not leaving reports on the printers, and

media in easily accessible places, always keeping in mind the concept of “clean table”, that is, at the end of

It's my job not to leave any confidential and/or restricted reports and/or media on your desks.

Operations and Communications Security

Responsibilities and Procedures

All processes/procedures for the proper functioning of all systems, as well as the

resource management is the responsibility of the Infrastructure.

It is also her responsibility to:

• Provide all necessary documentation for the installation, operation, and recovery of the systems for the use of

employees and clients.

• Information processing and treatment, both automatic and manual

• Monitor the correct use of resources and suggest corrections when necessary

Protection against malicious code

Maintain protection solutions against logical security problems (viruses, unauthorized access, intrusions,

etc.), and Infrastructure is responsible for defining such protection solutions, considering the critical nature of the assets of

information involved and that is under your responsibility.

It will also be responsible for the definition of safety procedures for the implementation, maintenance,

updating, uninstalling, and recovering software, operating systems, SGDBs, to ensure that

these logical environments do not contain vulnerabilities that compromise information security, and it is up to

Information Security Committee and standardization.

Operations Safety

The relevant documentation of the service and operation must include:

• Adopted safety criteria;

• Installation and configuration

• Information processing and treatment, both automatic and manual

• Copy procedures (backup)

• Operation scheduling requirements, including interdependencies with other systems

• Instructions for handling errors or other exceptional conditions, which may occur

• External support contacts in case of unexpected operational events

• Procedures for restarting and recovering in the event of a system failure

• Monitoring procedures

Backup copies

The entire backup process and maps, as well as retention periods, must be documented and audited.

How much:

1. Efficiency: backups occur automatically, whether daily, incremental, and synchronized with little

or no human intervention

2. Availability: Backups available whenever needed, with RTO and RPO times defined at


3. Security: all backups must be encrypted and password protected, regardless of

classification of information.

Communications Security

Services and servers, such as Internet pages, electronic mail, administrative systems, will be

configured to use authentication and encryption technologies to ensure integrity, secrecy, and

authenticity of the information.

Ensure that logical environments are restricted to your access by secure passwords or others

appropriate security mechanisms, except in situations where there are technical restrictions that prevent

will be reviewed by the Information Security Steering Committee.

The Infrastructure must ensure that all information systems comply with the following guidelines:

• Segregation of logical environments so that the production environment is separated from the others

• Production environments can only be accessed by internal users responsible for

deployment of information systems (Infrastructure)

• Databases in production environments will be accessed, whenever possible, through

information systems, or, if not possible, access must be made by a member of the team

responsible for the database with the authorization of an internal user at the managerial level of the area


• Direct access must be registered in a way that allows the identification of what was modified and who was

responsible for the modification;

• Information systems that are transferred to the production environment must have their code

original source maintained by an internal source code repository management system;

• The source code of information systems must be managed by a specific control tool

of version. Access to the tool must be restricted through specific and registered access profiles

on audit trails. Version control must allow the identification of the person responsible for the inclusion/

deletion/alteration of the source code, as well as the recovery of recent versions;

• The computer system environment intended for the execution of the systems and the production environment is not

must be used for testing. The tests must be carried out in an appropriate and managed environment;

• The passage of programs and data to the production environment must be controlled in such a way as to ensure

the integrity and availability of that environment for execution

Use of E-mail

Internal users will have an email account on the Élin Duxus email service, which will have

a single ownership, determining responsibility for its use.

E-mail should not be used to commit illegal acts prohibited by law or by this guideline or regulations

supplementary documents that may be published - harmful to the rights and interests of Élin Duxus or third parties, or

that, in any way, may damage, disable, overload, or deteriorate information assets, as well

such as documents and files of any kind, for your use or for the use of third parties.

It is forbidden to send files or sensitive information/passwords that could compromise the security of

information, both at the origin and at the destination.

Files containing sensitive information must be zipped/encrypted and password protected. Vide

alternatives for file exchanges. The password in question must not be entered by e-mail. Use another means,

such as telephone, messenger.

Remote Access

Access to the company's internal systems will only be through VPN.

• For use of internal systems with non-public domain names, the VPN connection will provide the DNS

main, that is, all requests for names requested while the user is logged in to Élin

Duxus will be resolved internally.

• The use of any third-party tools, such as sharing systems of

files (Google Drive, Idrive, Dropbox, iCloud, etc.), P2P, FTP, etc. or communication systems of

videoconferencing, messenger's, Voip telephone systems, etc. to perform local functions

remote. For this purpose, use those available by the company, according to the documentation related to Home


If the remote location has Wi-Fi routers, the employee must pay attention to the misuse of the network

due to weak and/or shared passwords. It is recommended that:

• The Wi-Fi password is changed frequently

• Don't use/enable file sharing

Internal Systems

All internal Élin Duxus systems must:

• Be controlled by access passwords, in accordance with the guidelines specified in the Passwords topic (below)

• Segregated by logical network distribution where applicable

• Access is provided according to the classification levels established in the Asset Management topic

Information Classification and hierarchical/functional position of the employee, defined by the Managers of


Client Systems

All customer access systems hosted at Élin Duxus must:

• Be controlled by access passwords, in accordance with the guidelines specified in the Passwords topic (below)

• Because it is access via the internet, the systems must be provided with a Firewall as a line

from the front, with tools for detecting DDOS attacks, brute force, and others, as well as

limitation of IPs that can access the systems. The IPs in question must be reported to Élin Duxus

for configuring the firewall and proxies

• In the case of employees of client institutions that work under a Home Office scheme, such as

If it is a connection with dynamic IPs, the customer in question must provide a VPN connection for the

collaborator and use appropriate tools to divert connections to systems through this medium

with the access IP coming from the institution and not from the collaborator.


The password is a personal and non-transferable resource that protects the employee's identity. For all intents and purposes, it remains

It has now been clarified that the misuse of a third party's password is typified in the Brazilian Penal Code in art. 307

False Identity.

In order to guide the creation of secure passwords, the following rules are established:

• The password is the sole responsibility of the user and its disclosure is expressly prohibited or

loan, which must be immediately reported to the Infrastructure in case of suspicion of its


• The initial password will only be provided to the employee himself, in person. It cannot be provided by

telephone, instant communicator, or any other form that does not guarantee the employee's identity;

• Login sharing for system administration functions, access to systems of

management and controls, as well as for access to Élin Duxus' internal and administrative systems;

• Passwords should not be written down and left next to the computer (under the keyboard, pasted on the

monitor, etc.);

• The password must be changed every 6 months, following the precepts above.

The use of an application to manage the passwords of a team or collaborator can be adopted, from


• The access password for this application follows all the security requirements contained in this document.

• Any problem such as improper access to the app, password leak, or any other action that

violates the integrity of the security of the systems must be immediately reported to the Infrastructure.

Information Security Incident Management

Infrastructure is designated as the responsibility for Information Security Incident Management,

enforcing the following guidelines:

• Raise risks and points of failure, information security weaknesses

• Document processes for incident responses to the risks raised

• Implement tools for monitoring, detecting, analyzing, and reporting incidents and events

• Record resolution activities for the reported incident, including those related to escalation,

controlled recovery and communication to relevant internal and external persons or parties

Business Continuity

Business continuity must be implemented based on established disaster levels regarding

its impact on continuity itself, as well as information security, maintaining processes,

procedures and controls to ensure the required level of continuity during an adverse situation.

It must follow the following precepts:

• Business Continuity is implemented to mitigate and respond to an interruption event

• The human resources responsible for responding to the incident are provided with authorities and competence

to manage an incident and ensure information security

Contingency environments must be monitored and tested for their:

• Availability

• Safety

• Integrity

• Response to the incident, according to documentation

Business continuity from a company management perspective is not the objective of this policy, but it must be

composed of:

• Business Continuity Policy: defines guidelines for the preparation of continuity plans for

business and business recovery.

• Business Continuity Plan: plan consisting of a set of measures, rules, procedures

and information necessary for Élin Duxus to maintain its critical information assets and

continuity of your critical activities in an alternative location at a previously defined level, in cases of


• Business Recovery Plan: plan consisting of a set of measures, rules, procedures

and information necessary for Élin Duxus to operationalize the return of critical activities to



This PSI follows principles of good practice and relevant legislation, namely:


• ISO 2700 series

Élin Duxus is dedicated to providing advanced risk management solutions for the financial sector. We combine innovative technology and technical expertise to deliver tools that ensure security and compliance for our clients.
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