ícone do sistema trisk
Financial Institutions Ranking System


The TRisk system is aimed at monitoring ALL financial institutions and publicly traded companies in order to allow the creation of a customized risk ranking, making it possible to eliminate institutions with a deteriorated perception from the analysis of credit operations.
icone de checagem positiva
Institutional Monitoring
icone de checagem positiva
Stress and Risk
icone de checagem positiva
Rankings and Analysis
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Developed with a focus on providing accurate and detailed insights, TRisk allows the creation of customized risk rankings, optimizing decision-making for credit operations, investments, and market strategies.



Determine the ranking of financial institutions using legal and accounting information, and ratings published by risk agencies. Combine this information to predict or anticipate problems.

Use the analysis standard template or create your own, modifying risk factors and their importance to meet a specific policy.

Each institution is presented with a visual status indicator:

🟢 - Ranking above the cutoff line
🔵 - Ranking below the cutoff line
⭕ - Institution with impediments

4 Star Hotel

Ranking of institutions

The ranking system is an essential tool for evaluating and ranking financial institutions based on risk criteria. It allows users to customize analysis parameters to obtain a clear and accurate view of institutions' performance and stability.

  • Compare the entire range of financial institutions in the market
  • Parameterize the variables to obtain a personalized analysis
  • See which institutions have impediments
  • Anticipate problems with institutions


Indicators are essential metrics that provide a detailed view of the financial health and performance of institutions.

They help identify trends, assess risks, and make informed decisions.

  • Regulatory capital
  • Profitability and default indices
  • Credit portfolio ratings
  • Basel Index
  • Net income, ROE, ROA, and others
  • Publicly Traded Companies' Indicators

Angular and comparative view

In addition to monitoring financial indicators, it's crucial to understand the context behind the numbers.

This includes analyzing external factors that may impact institutions' performance, such as regulatory changes, global economic conditions, and technological innovations.

Understanding these elements can help predict future trends and adjust investment strategies more effectively. Place institutions and companies side by side to compare their performance indicators.


IDR - Media and Investor Insights

View the news feed in real time with publications and indicators of the institution's reputation.

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms trained to evaluate publications reliably provide instant updates.

Follow the latest news from all financial institutions in Brazil.

Group Task


It integrates data from a variety of sources to provide detailed, real-time analysis, allowing users to track changes in reputation and adjust their strategies as needed.

  • Customized integrated remote access with IDR - Duxus Reputation Index for Finacial Institutions
  • Follow publications in real time
  • Prioritezed news Clippings
  • Analysis of social media
  • Historical evolution
Exclusive Product

Exclusive Solution

Possibility of adopting an exclusive solution even in a remote environment - suitable for multiple users

  • Feeding specific external ratings (manual/automatic)
  • Setting up comparison rules between rating agencies (external)


Discover the potential of the Duxus Platform for your institution. Our team is ready to offer a personalized demonstration, exploring how we can improve your risk management.

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