The Duxus Integrated Risk Platform is the definitive solution for managing financial risks.

Composed of a modular set of integrated systems and APIs, the platform was designed to meet the specific needs of financial institutions, asset managers, and corporate investors.

By combining advanced systems and cutting-edge technologies, we offer a complete and scalable solution, ideal for meeting the modern challenges of the financial sector.

representacao da integracao dos sistemas duxus
icone da plataforma de sistemas duxus


The Duxus Integrated Risk Platform was designed to meet the complexities of the financial sector. With a modular architecture and customizable APIs, the platform allows complete management of operational, market, credit, and ESG risks. Have all the tools at your fingertips for a holistic and assertive view of your institution's risks.

Experience Duxus technology in action and see how we can transform risk management at your institution.


Each system was developed to address a critical dimension of risk management, from market analysis to reputation monitoring.

Our platform allows you to choose the best resources and specific demands to meet your institution's needs.

Some general characteristics:
* Multi-user
* Multi-company or conglomerate
* Browser-based access
* Auditable
* Compatible with any operating system and user-friendly interfaces

With Duxus, you have the support you need in the palm of your hand, ensuring autonomy and agility in your daily routine.
icone do sistema basileia
Basileia & Mercado meets the main demands for Market Risk analysis (VaR, Monte Carlo, Stress), Basel, and Liquidity (ALM).

New *Audit*
ícone do sistema ecorisk
EcoRisk ESG is a real-time API for the assessment and monitoring of Social, Environmental, and Climate Risk (ESG) for both individuals and legal entities.
ícone do sistema multidimensional
Multidimensional Credit offers a comprehensive tool for post-credit granting management, including calculations like CredVaR, RAROC, and provision 4.966 (IFRS9).
icone do sistema feeder
Feeder is a data distribution API, allowing clients to integrate various data sources, such as B3 (Brazilian Stock Exchange), BACEN (Central Bank of Brazil), and other systems, in an organized and efficient manner.
logo do sistema sensorial
Sensorial is a system focused on monitoring customer perception in social and print media, offering segmented analysis on the reputation of financial institutions.
ícone do sistema trisk
TRisk is aimed at monitoring of ALL financial institutions and publicly traded companies, enabling the creation of risk rankings for a holistic view of the market.
ícone do sistema xrisk
XRisk is a back-end system that facilitates pre-credit granting risk assessment, utilizing ratings to ensure greater objectivity and speed in the analysis process.


Discover the potential of the Duxus Platform for your institution. Our team is ready to offer a personalized demonstration, exploring how we can improve your risk management.

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