logo do sistema sensorial
Customer sentiment system for Financial Institutions


The SENSORIAL system is a tool of reputational marketing to monitor the sentiment of clients of the financial institution through social networks and print media.
icone de checagem positiva
News Clippings
icone de checagem positiva
Reputation Management
icone de checagem positiva
Media Analysis
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Sensorial is Élin Duxus' solution for monitoring and interpreting the sentiment of financial institution clients in real time. Using advanced artificial intelligence, it connects data from social networks, print media, and other sources to transform insights into actionable insights.

Financial Analytics

Sentiment Analysis

Understand what your clients and the market think about your institution and your competitors:

  • Indication by information source: Assess the origin and relevance of each comment.
  • Sentiment segmented by source: Learn the impact of specific opinions on each channel.
  • Real-time connection: Integration with reputation systems for continuous monitoring.
  • Impact assessment: Measure the relevance and effects of each mention or news item.


Stay informed about the most important and impactful news in the sector:

  • Latest news: Get quick access to the latest updates.
  • Impact and relevance: Identify the information that most influences the market.
  • Automated clipping: Get a prioritized summary of relevant news.
  • Comprehensive database: Consult a full news history for analysis and trends.
    WordCloud: View the most commented topics in one place.
Financial Growth Analysis

institutional Perception

Learn what is being commented on and the impact of each comment.

Artificial intelligence analyzing the news and presenting prioritized clippings, with a historical news base allowing queries and research.

Information sources are referenced and redirected with each click.



Follow your universe of feelings in a segmented way according to the filters configured through indicators and Visions - And apply perfect filters to understand what you need.

Visions are the representation of Sensorial applied over these filters. The ideal tool to follow up on a customer segment of great interest.

Don't forget to follow your competitor in real time as well with the possibility of Visions.



Discover the potential of the Duxus Platform for your institution. Our team is ready to offer a personalized demonstration, exploring how we can improve your risk management.

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