icone do sistema feeder
Data Distribution by API


Feeder is an organized system for distributing API-signed data, the data can originate from various sources, such as B3, BACEN, Élin Duxus or the institution itself.
icone de checagem positiva
Complete Data Distribution
icone de checagem positiva
Multiple Sources
icone de checagem positiva
Stand/Subscription Delivery
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Feeder is Élin Duxus' advanced system for distributing API-signed data.

With flexibility and efficiency, it allows financial institutions and companies to access information from various sources, such as B3, BACEN, Élin Duxus, or even internal data from the institution itself, in organized and customizable formats.


Data Distribution API

Through the Feeder API, it is possible to access and consume data essential for financial and regulatory management quickly and securely.

  • Delivery by Stand or Subscription: Choose the modality that best suits your needs.
  • Easy access: Simplified integration with few parameters needed to perform REST calls.
  • Personalization: Configure deliveries according to desired resources and specific time intervals.
Data Backup


Through the Feeder API, it is possible to access and consume data essential for financial and regulatory management quickly and securely.

  • EOD of market data with various sources (B3, Duxus, Bacen)
  • Possibility of distributing data from the institution itself
  • B3 DIxPRE curve required for CADOC 3050
  • Licensed data
  • Formats: csv, txt, json

For additional details of available data and calls, see the Online Feeder Duxus documentation.


Delivery Modalities


The modality of Stand is more common and simpler, all you have to do is make a REST call for an API, with some parameters about the desired resources and date range for obtaining the data.


    The modality of Subscription It is more sophisticated and requires internal development of a Client to control deliveries and redeliveries. Indicated in specific cases.



    Discover the potential of the Duxus Platform for your institution. Our team is ready to offer a personalized demonstration, exploring how we can improve your risk management.

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