ícone do sistema xrisk
Pre-Concession Rating System


XRisk is the definitive solution for credit risk analysis in the pre-concession process.

With advanced and configurable tools, the system eliminates subjectivity and slow approvals, allowing for quick and accurate decisions based on objective criteria.
icone de checagem positiva
Pre-Concession Ratings
icone de checagem positiva
Systematic Approval
icone de checagem positiva
Complete and Configurable
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In the heart of XRisk is the pre-concession ratings system, designed to meet specific risk assessment needs. Features include:

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Pre-Concession Rating

Multiple Pre-Concession Rating systems to fully understand all potential risk factors.

  • C's of credit
  • Risk Factors
  • Customer Rating
  • Operation Rating (intelligence)
  • Mitigators
  • Accelerators



Over 50 Endpoints with all the Risk tools your company needs.

  • Passive integration with legacies to calculate ratings
  • Passive integration with post-grant systems for backtesting
  • Active integration to add up the consumed limit
  • SRC BACEN - configurable and cost-budgeted
  • Serasa - configurable and with a cost budget
  • Integration cache

Integration between Systems

Real-time pre-grant

Automatic approval, according to the valuation model, of transactions with a high probability of successful concession.

Institution-wide policy adjustment cockpit, in one place.



Adaptation to the institution

Highly customized, with the ability to adapt to the institution's policy. It allows everything from the creation of customized rating scales and specific models for customers and operations (impact of guarantees) to the determination of authorized limits, with the possibility of whole-base calculations for pre-release of limits.

  • Target audience
  • Limits
  • polices
  • manoeuvres
  • Assessment models
  • Custom rating scales


Discover the potential of the Duxus Platform for your institution. Our team is ready to offer a personalized demonstration, exploring how we can improve your risk management.

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