This comprehensive tool offers advanced functionalities for risk analysis, stress scenario generation, liquidity management, and capital allocation, ensuring reliability, regulatory compliance, and strategic insights.
Ideal solution for managing risk for financial institutions, asset managers (Asset managers), treasuries, pension funds, and investors.
Through the Market Risk features, it is possible to monitor and control the risk of investments, portfolios, and funds with VaR calculations, stress tests, and backtests for validation.
It includes the daily and automatic provision of data.
Over 50 Endpoints with all the Risk tools your company needs.
Extensive set of tools for investment funds, direct from XML Anbima.
Build your scenario with customized shocks and correlations, allowing for the analysis of EVE directly.
Discover automatically where your is wallet sensitive through self-stress!
Over 50 Endpoints with all the Risk tools your company needs.
The most complete ALM (Asset Liability Management) solution, including negotiability and NII variation.
Over one million liquidity data points. Get your risk management advantage, and always be ahead of liquidity problems.
Simulations of liquidity scenarios allow predicting and managing financial risks, adjusting strategies as necessary.
Flexible configuration to meet the specific needs of each institution, allowing personalized adjustments in real time.
Integrated solution for capital management of financial institutions.
With the Basileia tools, it is possible to obtain details of the allocations, improving understanding and increasing predictability about capital needs.
Efficient and integrated capital management, allowing a clear view of future allocations and needs.
Discover the potential of the Duxus Platform for your institution. Our team is ready to offer a personalized demonstration, exploring how we can improve your risk management.